Working Families Party: Federal Legislative Manager




$85,000-$110,000 / Yearly


Working Families Party






Please submit your resume and cover letter via the application link provided.


WFP launched its Federal Affairs team in late 2020, after making major contributions to the election of several new progressive members of Congress. The Federal Affairs team exists to bring a specifically federal focus to WFP’s work, with a core focus on electing new WFP champions to Congress, protecting existing champions, and facilitating the strategic alignment of WFP champions in Congress, with the overall goal of maximizing the size and power of a WFP-aligned bloc of members that can drive a progressive governing agenda with and for the multiracial working class. The Legislative Manager will work closely with WFP champions in Congress and their staffs, organizational and coalition partners, WFP regional and state staff, and WFP national program staff to inform WFP’s stances and posture on federal issues, and to advance WFP priorities in Congress.


Essential Duties and Responsibilities

  • Engage frequently with the staffs of WFP Congressional champions on priority-setting and mutual support.

  • Represent WFP in federal advocacy coalitions.

  • Track the full range of federal policy and political developments in which WFP might have an interest, and advise the party as a whole on positions to take and ways WFP organizationally can advance those positions.

  • Build relationships with a broad range of aligned advocates, including but not limited to staff from groups like CPC, Indivisible, People’s Action, and Congressional staff to maximize WFP’s knowledge of developments and opportunities for intervention at the federal level. 

  • Build sustainable systems and practices for engaging WFP state chapters in federal advocacy.

  • Develop policy memos and briefings for both internal and external stakeholders.

  • Provide research and policy issue support to electoral campaigns.

  • Help the Federal Affairs team develop internal WFP research & policy initiatives including but not limited to the Multi-Racial Working Class research project.

Skills and Qualifications

  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills.

  • Minimum three years experience working in a Congressional office or at a federal issue advocacy organization or coalition.

  • Working knowledge of federal policy around domestic issues; experience in labor, education, health care, environmental, racial justice, and other core WFP issues are preferred.

  • A demonstrated ability to both learn and communicate complex policy issues.

  • Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to develop deep and collaborative professional relationships with internal and external partners.

  • A strong understanding of the political landscape in the U.S. Congress and among federal advocacy organizations; strong existing relationships in both preferred.

  • Knowledge of the WFP’s mission strategy and unique role in the national political landscape. 

  • An understanding of coalition work and an ability to align partners across differences in order to work in a unified direction.