Michelle Vallejo for Congress: Field Organizer




$3,500 - $4,200 / Monthly


Michelle Vallejo for Congress






To apply fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeulDeAH0mj-4Y728sDgkdlxucpw3hRtjVT0A1HiBoAigzYUw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0


Position Summary

Team Michelle Vallejo for Congress is seeking Field Organizers to work on this competitive and targeted congressional race. Field organizers will be responsible for planning direct voter contact events, recruiting volunteers, and managing a strong data operation.


Responsibilities Include:

  • Recruiting, managing, and training volunteers to participate in direct voter contact, including but not limited to door-to-door canvassing, high traffic canvassing, voter registration, and relational organizing.

  • Executing a broad range of visibility events to educate voters about the election and excite potential volunteers to join the campaign.

  • Successfully meeting daily, weekly, and phase goals for capacity building and voter contact in your assigned district, as well as maintaining data integrity.

  • Developing strong relationships with local party leaders, grassroots organizers, and key activists.

  • Other department responsibilities as needed.


Skills and Qualifications: 

  • No previous organizing experience is required.

  • Ability to live and work in-person within Texas’s 15th congressional district through November 2024.

  • Commitment to progressive values 

  • Strong ability to build relationships and foster a positive team culture.

  • Strong interpersonal and written communication skills.

  • Ability to meet tight deadlines under pressure and problem solve effectively and creatively.

  • Access to a vehicle or other, reliable means of transportation.

  • Ability to demonstrate multicultural competence —the awareness, knowledge, and skills needed to work with others who are culturally different from self in meaningful, relevant, and productive ways; 

  • Proactively fosters an inclusive atmosphere and commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion

  • Ability to demonstrate multicultural competence – the awareness, knowledge and skills needed to work with others who are culturally different from self in meaningful, relevant and productive ways

  • Personal and professional commitment to promoting and investing in cross-cultural skills and awareness related to individuals from broad backgrounds, races, ethnicities, religions, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and disability.

  • Proven interpersonal, communication, and collaboration skills with the ability to build relationships with staff at all levels 


The following are not required but would be beneficial:

  • Experience using votebuilder

  • Campaign experience in south Texas

  • Fluency in Spanish

  • Ties to the Rio Grande Valley or South Texas