Progressive Pipeline: Paid Summer Fellowship in Progressive Politics




$15-$20/hr / Hourly


Progressive Pipeline






Please submit an application on our website!


Progressive Pipeline is a non-profit that places underrepresented candidates in paid internships and entry-level jobs at social change groups. Then, we offer them the training, mentorship, and connections they need to become tomorrow’s leaders. No previous experience in politics is required or expected!


If you become a fellow:

  • We’ll train you on the skills you need to succeed in your career, from managing up to asking for feedback to building relationships at work. 

  • We’ll deploy you to a paid internship or job at a progressive social change group.

  • We’ll coach you on how to turn your fellowship into a career.

  • We’ll continue to support you after your fellowship through training, mentorship, and connections.


We partner with social change groups that share our commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice -- from finance to data analytics to media communications to consulting and so much more. Past fellow cohorts have landed internships at Equis Labs, Run for Something, Accountable.US, Action Network, SEIU, Change Research, and BerlinRosen – to name a few!


All of our host organizations pay $15-20/hour, and you’ll be assigned real, meaningful work. While projects will vary across organizations, our fellows have:

  • Developed organizing and outreach strategies for community groups fighting for tenant rights and housing justice

  • Targeted and analyzed labor union membership lists using data analysis skills so that unions can better organize members

  • Created paid and social media plans for advocacy groups in Washington, D.C.

  • Designed training materials and resources to help first-time, local candidates run for office


Most of our placements are remote, with a few exceptions, and we place fellows on a rolling basis throughout the year.


We’re looking for students who are passionate about social justice, motivated by advocating for issues they care deeply about, and are willing to work hard and learn new skills. We want our fellows to bring their lived experiences to progressive spaces and to be committed to doing the work necessary to move our country forward. There are no prerequisites – we want fellows from all majors and class years to join us.  


If that sounds like you, take the next step today and apply to become a fellow with us at Progressive Pipeline!