350 New Hampshire: Youth Organizer


1 Washington St Suite 3123 NH


$ 47,840-$50,000 / Yearly


350 New Hampshire






Deadline June 10th, Application requires resume and cover letter among questions on organizing and the climate movement.


The 350NH Youth Organizer will manage 350NH’s youth summer internship program and school year fellowship programs. The youth organizer will engage youth across NH in climate activism and support state and national campaigns for climate justice. Through the summer, the Youth Organizer will support six summer interns with weekly check-ins and coaching. In the school year, the Youth Organizer will support 350NH’s youth-led high school organizing program with campaign planning, recruitment, canvassing, training and organizational development. The Youth Organizer will expand 350NH’s statewide youth network by making new connections with teachers and club advisors and establishing a presence on college campuses.

Job Responsibilities:

  • Manage the growth and development of 350NH Youth Organizing Program, including a summer internship program and school year fellowship program.

  • Supervise interns with regular check-ins and manage application processes for interns and fellows.

  • Support 350NH’s youth volunteers with campaign planning, training and organizational development.

  • Plan and execute recruitment and outreach to schools, developing relationships with key teachers, students, and clubs.

  • Canvass, phone bank and text bank to engage 350NH volunteers and supporters.

  • Build youth power in New Hampshire by supporting the 350NH Youth Team and advocating for their inclusion in important actions, campaigns, legislation, and elections.

Required Skills:

  • Experience working with students and/or student organizing experience

  • Commitment to climate justice, including willingness to expanding your analysis and relationship to racial justice and equity

  • Dedication to support and strengthen social, economic and environmental justice movements and a strong motivation to end the use of fossil fuels.

  • Ability to organize and facilitate online meetings with volunteers, lead trainings, and speak over the phone to community members and potential voters

  • Ability to organize daily in-person with community members

  • Ability to work independently

  • Ability to work collaboratively with others 

  • Ability to use mobile applications

  • Access to a car and valid driver’s license

  • Live in NH

Desired Skills:

  • Experience in grassroots organizing, community building, electoral politics, or a related role

  • Strong writing skills

  • Climate movement or related social movement experience